Saturday, October 6, 2012



The ancient Indian science of VASTU, a word derived from the Sanskrit for a dwelling with a plot of land, focuses on how the design of our buildings and the layouts of their interiors affect our emotional state. The principles of Vastu are complex and numerous, but if they could be summed up in one word, it might be ‘ORDER’. That order creates a clutter free environment that enhances both the spiritual and material well-being of the people living in the building.

Coming from a different culture of China, Zen aims to induce a state of mental calm through techniques that help us slow down and concentrate on one task at a time. Zen encourages us to recognize what is true value in our lives and what is not, so that we can avoid wasteful activities and get rid of surplus possessions; in a word, de-clutter. The ideas behind both Vastu and Zen could hardly be more appropriate in today’s chaotic world.

Get rid of the unnecessary stuff people hoard. De-cluttering changes the entire ambiance from being a daunting mess into a nurturing sanctuary. By de-cluttering the physical space, an environment is created that encourages spiritual and emotional renewal. It is believed that clutter, both mental and physical, is one of the main reasons people do not reach their full potential in life.

We need to regularly de-clutter and focus. We must choose one idea over the others and commit to it. It is frightening, but as the famous British comedian, John Marwood Cleese, said, “Nothing will stop you being creative as effectively as the fear of making a mistake.”

Fear that dis-empowers or to deprive us of power, authority, or influence, make weak, ineffectual, or unimportant is a consequence of clutter. When our mind is uncluttered, we may still be afraid, but we are not incapacitated by the fear because our goals and the risks are plainly visible, and we are fully aware of what is ahead of us. To reach our full potential in life, we need an uncluttered mind. We can achieve it through various relaxation techniques, including meditation, yoga, and exercise, and the process is easier when our physical environment too is uncluttered. The techniques we adopt must be practiced routinely: we must get into the habit of de-cluttering. Good habits are powerful enablers. We owe it to ourselves to break the chains of mental and physical clutter. When they are broken, we become as if an eagle released from captivity, free to soar to new and extraordinary heights.
According to Vastu a clutter-free environment is the key to health, wealth, peace, prosperity, success and for good relations in one’s life.

1 comment:

  1. before I buy...
    Do I have a place for this or do I have to make a place?
    Do I have the time or do I have to find the time?
    Do I need this or do I want this?
    A place, the time, or need?
    Clean or clutter?
